Access Keys
to Achieving Your Health Goals,
by getting un-stuck, & Living Victoriously with Christ!

YOU are a Temple of the Holy Spirit!
YOU are far more valuable and powerful than you realize!
Address your core issues sabotaging your attempts at health
so that you can FINALLY succeed!
You can begin TODAY by downloading the Designed for Victory Jump Start. God loves His children whether fat or skinny; with olympic athlete potential or physical limitations; genius or intellectually challenged. But each of us is responsible for how we respond to the DNA we were born with. Learn to honor God with your body... which actually sets you up to enjoy this life more, and create a legacy of His love!

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Start Today!
& Listen to the podcast


Carolyn Scott is a vibrant public speaker who will connect with your audience, no matter the denomination or culture. Her workshops take participants through an adventure of understanding the cosmic reality and our place within it; and help people to realize that caring for the health of our bodies is important to our Spiritual journey.
At these 1-day workshops, Carol will give your group a launching pad to begin a process of mental, physical, and spiritual transformation, utterly grounded in Christ
The day is composed of 3 sessions. Along with teaching, there will be times for attendees to work through journal processes, and break into groups for short discussions.
This engaging format empowers people to grow individually and corporately, apply concepts in-the-moment, and experience a 'jumpstart' upon which they can begin long term change.
All attendees receive a copy of Designed for Victory that they'll begin to use right away in the workshop. They'll be encouraged to launch or join 'Victory Groups' where they can continue to work through the Designed for Victory process (book), and encourage one another in their journeys to health and deeper faith in Christ.
Workshop Overview
Session 1: A Spiritual Realignment
Your Identity in Christ
You are a Temple & a Living Sacrifice
Discovering your WHY
Session 2: A Physical Realignment
What is food
Deadly Lies of the Food Industry
Fitness Basics - Kicking out dread, and finding your stride!
Setting your first goal(s)!
Session 3: Spiritual Warfare in the Physical World
Surveying the Battleground
Tactics of the Enemy
Your relationship with food: identifying your baggage (step 1)
God's Spiritual Weapons - they're probably not what you think they are!
Carolyn Scott, M.A.R.
Personal Coaching
Carolyn Scott, M.A.R.
I bring coaching and counseling together, for a powerful approach to YOUR particular issues, weaknesses, strengths, goals and faith (or lack thereof).
Traditionally, "Counseling" focuses on asking questions and allowing a patient to take as long as needed to unearth their 'issues' and find a way through them guided, but not 'instructed' by the therapist.
"Coaching" is much more teaching oriented. Think of a sports coach - they watch and assess you and then tell you what to do to get better and achieve.
I bring Counseling and Coaching together. I WILL help you unearth your 'issues' that are sabotaging your ability to change. But I am, by nature, a coach ... and a cheerleader. I question, observe, listen, and console. But I also educate, instruct very specifically to each person, and CHEER CHEER CHEER when you succeed!
I spent 9 years counseling and mentoring teens, and 4 years leading a Celebrate Recovery group. I've coached both sports and business owners. I spent 10 years as a certified personal trainer, a massage therapist and nutrition coach. And, I've NEVER stopped studying.
Now I'm bringing all of that together to offer you a No-Judgement zone, where you'll feel safe enough to admit your weaknesses, and empowered to achieve goals. I will hold you accountable, while counseling, educating and cheering you on.

More than Just a Book...
Carolyn Scott, M.A.R.
How we treat our bodies can be an act of worship and a weapon of Spiritual Warfare
OR can be an access point for the enemy to enter and wreak havoc in our lives
Designed for Victory is a hybrid of a devotional, a textbook, and a workbook. It turns a reader into an engaged participant, leading you through a journey of education, discovery, and change.
Designed For Victory proposes that every Christ follower lives in the midst of a cosmic spiritual war, and we matter in it! We are each a "Temple of the Holy Spirit", which is a concept that is more relevant in our modern, daily lives than most people probably realize.
Discover how to treat your body as holy, not just by avoiding addictive and damaging habits such as smoking cigarettes, but in the way you eat, exercise, rest and engage with others! And, if we want to fulfill our God-given potential, then we should do things that empower our bodies, not harm them, leading to fatigue and sickness!
As a reader/participant you will discover and deal with your own mental/spiritual baggage that sabotages your attempts at health and change. You will begin addressing that baggage and moving into healthier ways of thinking, treating your body, walking with Jesus and sharing His love with others.
Finally, a variety of spiritual weapons will be explored, such as Prayer, Fasting, Love & Forgiveness. As you work through this process, you WILL begin living a more victorious life!
Access Keys
to Achieving Health Goals,
& to Living Victoriously with Christ!
"About" Carolyn
I have had the pleasure of working with Carolyn for approximately (four) years in the Celebrate Recovery Ministry. During such time, I have observed her leadership style and it is worth emulating. Carol brings ...
a wealth of experience and knowledge to the ministry. She has a spirit which draws people to her. (She) beams with passion, enthusiasm ... she is compassionate, eager to bring people to Christ, excited to help people heal, always praying and seeking Christ for direction, very giving and always willing to share her story
~Ted K
Carol has played an absolutely instrumental role in my life and in the growth of my faith as a female Christian role model, prayer warrior, spiritual compass, and fountain of biblical knowledge. She is unforgettable because her faith defines who she is and
her passion for Christ is impossible to ignore. Carol not only has a heart for the Lord, but she has a heart for people. Her faith and enthusiasm attracts others to her, and she fully embraces them with a unique blend of spiritual mentor, nurturing mother, and cool big sister, all rolled into one. ... She is exactly the person I hoped she would be as I watched her the first time I saw her on stage.
~Dr Stephanie K.
And here's something I love about this intelligent woman -- she reads. Carol does her research. She makes sure if she's going to put her mind and heart into a thing, she's going to do her homework. And to me,
that means a lot. There are no off-the-cuff, careless suggestions that come from some misguided sense of conventional wisdom. She listens, she sympathizes, and she tries to approach a problem from a different angle -- with education and knowledge in her utility belt.
~Jean R
Through Carol’s leadership, I was able to feel empowered enough to search deeply for the sake of growing spiritually.... She saw me evolve from a scared and spiritually starved individual to an empowered follower of Christ. ... I looked at her and was
moved because I realized the strength God put in her.
The strength to empower those around her and lead them to a stronger place with God. ... I have always believed that one should not bring others to Christ by force but by reflecting His goodness and this is exactly what Carol does. I have witnessed her share her vulnerabilities, her states of human, and her battle to always reflect how God loves, and it has moved me.
~Reyna F.

Carolyn Scott

Carolyn received her Bachelor's Degree in Education from Villanova University and a Master's Degree in Counseling from Westminster Seminary. She worked many years in teen ministry, and then shifted her career focus to her other passion: health & fitness. She was a certified personal trainer, massage therapist and nutrition coach for over 10 years
She co-led a "Celebrate Recovery" group for 4 years, and has been serving on worship teams as a singer and bass player for 20 years. She co-founded The Philadelphia Gospel Movement, and sat 4 years on its board. Now, she is assisting in the rebuilding of the Philadelphia Council of Clergy. There, her passion for the collective Church of Philadelphia and for leadership development is being put to use.
Through Designed for Victory and the Victory workshops, she is bringing together all of her collective skills and knowledge to help people see themselves in the light of who they are in Christ, and their design as warriors in the spiritual battle of this life.
Carol struggled with an eating disorder in her young adult years, but overcame it with the love of Jesus, the help of a professional counselor, and the support of her family & friends.
She is happily married and a mother to the 3 great loves of her life.